Computing methods for addressing
river connectivity and hydro-morphodynamic processes
Beatriz works in the Hydro-morphology Research Group in the Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management (University of Stuttgart).
In preparation
Negreiros, B. , Wieprecht, S., Schwindt, S. (in preparation) Hyporheic patchiness and hydrologic controls of lateral connectivity drivers at the Upper Rhine River, Germany
Negreiros, B. , Jenkins, C., Wieprecht, S., Schwindt, S. (submitted) River connectivity reviewed by AI and experts: Human logics are preeminent.
Journal articles
Other articles
Technical Reports
Gewässermorphologische Studie der Ausleitungsstrecke Jettenbach-Töging am Inn Teil 1: Felduntersuchungen zur Erhebung des Ist-Zustandes und zur Einordnung eines aktiven Geschiebemanagements.
Gewässermorphologische Studie der Ausleitungsstrecke Jettenbach-Töging am Inn Teil 4: Felduntersuchungen zur Einordnung der Auswirkungen eines ökologischen Spülversuchs
Research Projects
eConnect: Hydro-morphodynamic connectivity and ecosystem design in a changing environment.
Sediment management concept for the restoration of the Inn River (Germany) (Jettenbach-Töging)
MIT MISTI Germany: Collaboration with the Nepf Lab at MIT for assessing riverbed conditions through the introduction of large wood.
#lessplastic for our environment and our future: Educative and social project for raising awereness on microplastic polution. Checkout The Plastic Tap
Conference presentations
Negreiros, B., Schwindt, S., Wieprecht, S. (2024) Multi-dimensional river connectivity analyses leveraged by a database approach. 15th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, Quebéc City, Québec, Canada.
Negreiros, B., Schwindt, S., Wieprecht, S. (2023) A database application framework for river ecosystem analysis. 40th IAHR World Congress, Vienna, Austria.
Negreiros, B., Barros, R., Scolari, F., Schwindt, S., Wieprecht, S. (2023) Substrate sediment analyses with a web application. 40th IAHR World Congress, Vienna, Austria.
Research Theses
Scholarship Awards
Science without Borders Scholarship Grant (Cnpq, 1 year, 2014-2015): Fully funded visiting Bachelor's student at the University of Surrey (UK).
Sustainable Water Resources Scholarship Grant(DAAD, 3 years, 2018 - 2020): Fully funded Master's degree at the University of Stuttgart including German Course (6 months) at the Carl Duisberg Center in Munich.